Monday, August 22, 2011

Asylum Seekers Part 3 - Tampa anniversary

We are approaching the 10th anniversary of the Tampa crisis; a very dark moment in our recent national history. This is a classic example of a number of things:

Firstly, the lines between fact and fiction being blurred by the media - and not just by the shock jocks like Alan Jones, by the mainstream news services as well;.

Secondly, of a government trying on the classic tactic of "conviction without trial" - "we don't know what their story is, and what's more, we don't care. They're not coming here" was John Howard's official stance on the people who were rescued by a Norwegian freighter;

Thirdly, of a government pandering to far-right views on immigration, being overrun by foreigners. There are so many legislative areas that could be improved to alleviate some of these fears, but largely this is just rhetoric and hot air from a bunch of people who should know better.

It is now reported that most Australians want to see Asylum seekers processed here, and I couldn't agree more. If their claims for asylum prove to be fraudulent, by all means send them home. But there is no reason to assume, before being examined, that these people are freeloaders. What are people afraid of immigration?

So the refugee camps are full? Why? Fix it! Other countries take a quota of refugees as part of their annual immigration intake. Would that be a better solution to the current one?

Here is an example of a story that includes some follow up on the people who were caught up in the Tampa crisis, proving how wrong John Howard was to assume these people were "illegal" asylum seekers.

Any other (sensible) ideas would be welcomed!

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