Friday, February 24, 2012

The Federal 3-Ring circus

All we've heard about in the news over the last few days in the leadership battle between the current and the former Prime Ministers of this country. It's driving me absolutely bloody crazy.

JUST SORT IT OUT ALREADY, PEOPLE!!! Get back to running the country, and do it as soon as possible.

All this reported* argy-bargy is doing major damage to the ALP brand, to the point where a lot of people, who wouldn't normally vote Liberal, will do so at the next election to prove to the Labor party that this kind of behaviour is wasting our time and wearing out your welcome.

* I flagged the term "reported" because I fear that most of this rubbish has been perpetuated by a number of media outlets who need to "drum up", or "invent" news in order to sell newspapers. Getting leaks from inside parliament, reporting on posts from Twitter, reporting opinion as fact - there's bigger issues to report on, rather than throwing Mentos into the metaphorical Diet-Coke bottle that is parliament.

1 comment:

  1. It ended with a whimper... as all things do in the end. The bang will come when they get voted out at the next election again for being a pack of losers. Seriously, this is just ridiculous. How can K.Rudd even get to disrupt the running on this country in such a manner anyway? He was so seriously annilated, that on what possible backing did he put his hand up and say that he'd be taking over thank you very much? Can anyone become a public menace like that, or just the weasles we voted in... sigh. x
